Friday, July 25, 2008

Why its asklinds

So now that we have overcome some of my worries and issues about having a blog, it is time to explain the reason for this blog, or at least it's name. When my friends pressured me into creating this blog my first protest was that I have nothing to write about. They disagreed, and pointed out all the questions I had answered for them over the years. Why not call the blog asklinds and dedicate it to answering questions? My friends are geniuses and in their suggestion unknowingly provided a loophole: If there are no questions, I don't have to write anything! MWAAAHAHAHA!!!! So, if you have no questions its no sweat off my back. And if you do have questions, I reserve the right to make something up that sounds plausible to me. Sound good? Let the questions begin! (or not. I'm fine either way)


Rhonda said...

I have always wondered why the English language breaks so many rules. Why do we pronounce some words one way and some words another way? For example: hanger and danger. They should rhyme, shouldn't they?? So, I am interested to know about the origin of the English language, why the pronunciation of words is so confusing, and if there are any other languages out there that have as many exceptions to rules as English does. I look forward to your enlightening thoughts on the subject. =)

the Flammers said...

I was just wondering if maybe you would know what someone (hypothetically speaking of course) would need to do if they wanted to paint rocks?

It's a random question I know, but I was just curious. By the way, I love the blog. I agree with most of your anti-blog reasons but I started one anyway and now I love it!!