Monday, July 28, 2008

Pictures! Well, Just a Tiny One

Soooo if you look to your right you will notice that I learned a new trick. This photo is posted for your viewing pleasure. You will probably notice that said photo is practically microscopic. I don't know why. I tried several different ways of blowing up the photo, which is ironic when you think about it because really, who wants a picture of themself BLOWN UP? I mean, unless you mean with dynamite which is a different story all together. Anyway, the actual photo is of normal proportions but I have not been able to figure out how to get it that way on the blog. I am currently taking suggestions. In the meantime you will have to make do with a magnifying glass if you really want to see the picture.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hi Linds!
I very much like your tiny picture! It's actually viewable, so no worries.

PS-This is Christine, not Michael. :-)