Sunday, August 9, 2009


First off, let me just say that for a place as beautiful as Island Park Idaho, I am surprised at how few good pictures there are of the place. Perhaps I will have to try to remedy that this week, since that is where I will be. Hooray!

Seriously, this was one of the better pictures I could find. And there are random old people in it. So you will just have to use your imagination and pretend that it's me in the picture. Or maybe just that there aren't random old people in it. In the meantime I will try to remember to take a few good pictures while I am gone to post later.

I will also have to post about my mad dash to graduation, plastic surgery (in general, I mean. I haven't had any. Though a week in a bathing suit might be all the convincing I need...), and the dumb project I started. I should have plenty of time to do that when I get back, being as how I am now unemployed: )
In the meantime, enjoy your week. I know I will!!

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