Monday, May 18, 2009

Favorite Things

Fact: There is not much going on in my life, at least that I can write about.
Fact: There are not a lot of pictures on my blog.
Fact: This makes for a very boring blog.

To remedy this, I decided to post some random pictures of things that I like and that make me happy. Maybe they will make you happy too. Or at least relieve some boredom.

These are California Poppies. They also grow in Seattle, which is where I first saw them, and in Utah. I like them because they are basically weeds in that they grow pretty much anywhere, but they are more pretty than your typical weed. I love the bright bright orange color. And they're not like other poppies with papery petals that fall off in a day. They actually last quite a while.

This is a Slurpee. The Epitome of Summer. If you have never had one you haven't really lived. If you live in the South, I am very sorry for you. They do not exist there. I will cry for you.

This is a water garden. I think if I wasn't born human, I would have been a frog (which would really have freaked out my mom), and if I believed in reincarnation that is what I would strive for in my next life. I really love water and like to spend as much time in the water as possible. I don't swim so much as I doggy paddle, and I prefer non chlorinated bodies of water. Someday I will have a water garden of my own. With frogs, of course.
These are the Seychelles. They are an island chain in the middle of the Indian Ocean and someday I will visit them. They are really bio-diverse and super cool in that they are 1,000 miles from the nearest continent and yet are made up of continental rock, rather than volcanic rock. Also, they are beautiful.

This is Scientific American Frontiers, where I probably first heard about the Seychelles. (I'm sure it was a PBS special of some sort anyway.) This man has my dream job. Basically he goes out and learns about all the cool scientific advancements and research, interviews the scientists, tests the theories, and sums it up for the average viewer in 60 minutes or less. I like watching it and dreaming that someday Alan Alda will retire and give me his job.

These are the Counting Crows. My all time favorite band. (I know, I am stuck in the nineties, but hey, it was a good decade!) I wish they would tour in Utah. In the meantime, I will just have listen to some old classics. You should too. I highly recommend them.

These are real life mermaids. Really. They live (and work) in Florida and put on a show every day, which I will someday watch. So you know how I tell people that I want to be an undercover mermaid in the Atlantic Ocean and they think its a joke and that such a job doesn't exist and laugh at me? Well look who's laughing now!

These are books. I like to read. I especially love when I find a really really great book. This happened quite frequently in Logan, where the library is awesome. In Springville, this is not the case, even though Springville is a bigger city than Logan. I don't know what gives, but it got me to thinking. Why isn't there a Netflicks for books? Wouldn't that be the most awesome thing ever? I would most definitely subscribe. (And yes, I know that is the basic idea behind a library, but it is also the same idea behind video rental stores and netflicks still succeeded.)

Anyway, hope that spiced up your day a little bit, or at least stimulated your eyes somewhat. If you would like to stop being subjected to boring posts by me, please leave me a suggestion for what you would like me to write about in the comments. Thankyoucomeagain.


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right about the Slurpee. I think the reason people my age love them is because we only had homemade Koolaid Popsicles growing up. You are also right about being born a frog. That would have freaked me out!

Heidi and Jeff said...

If you would have been born a frog, then I definetly would not have told you that you had to keep the swimming frogs or I would flush them down the toilet and it would be on your head. THAT would have been really cruel, whereas how it actually occured was more or less benign, or at least strictly manipulative, nothing more.

the Flammers said...

You know, I kind of think frogs are cute in a slimy, gross sort of way! I'd be one with you.