Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Since my last post outed me ask a dork (yeah, like that was a big secret) I got to thinking about the difference between Nerds, Geeks, and Dorks. I always considered myself a dork because I don't think I am smart enough or hygienecally challenged enough to qualify as a nerd (think the boys in Weird Science), and not tech savvy enough to be considered a geek (think Steve Jobs or the IT guy at your work) . In my head, a dork equates to someone who is somewhat socially inept and also really enthusiastic about things that normal people don't really care about much, but not to the point of being an expert in them.

For example, when I was about 14 I watched a documentary about a specific aquatic plant that is an invasive species and has migrated from tropical waters to just about all the oceans on the planet. It turns out the plant was originally harvested and hybridized to serve as decoration in home aquariums. It was really popular because it was easy to maintain and cheap so people all over the world with aquariums bought it. Then when their fish died they dumped it into local waterways and oceans where it took up root and started choking out native species.

Now, as I was writing that last paragraph I had to contain myself and keep it down to one paragraph because I was getting really excited about sharing it, even though I am aware that most people do not share my enthusiasm for the subject of invasive species. I also use it as an example to illustrate that while I probably know more than most people about this particular plant (whose name I can't remember), that isn't really saying much and I am definitely not an expert on it. That is pretty much the essence of a dork in my mind: interested in obscure things and willing to talk about them even if it is not socially acceptable or "the norm."

So when I saw this diagram explaining the differences between Nerds, Dorks, and Geeks, I was surprised to learn that I am actually a Dweeb!

Apparently my intelligence and social ineptitude put me in the Dweeb category. In order to be a Dork I would have to dumb down a little and be more obsessive about things. Unless maybe I am actually obsessive and just don't realize it? You, my faithful readers, will have to tell me what you think. And what you are! (If you fall into one of these categories. I wouldn't want to offend you by assuming that you do.)

In the end though I have decided that whatever category I fall into I will continue to claim myself as a dork. Because I am used to it and because I still don't quite see myself as being any of the others. Anyway, I'm off to learn about giant ground sloths. They used to live in Utah you know. -Dork out.


Anonymous said...

You could say "dweeb", but I am not seeing the social ineptitude and would just move you into the Intelligence area. Definitely not "dork", you aren't obsessive, and are intelligent! Where do those who have O.D.D. fit? (Just plain "odd")

Elise said...

Very definitely aren't obsessive, and I would agree with the last comment that I don't see the social ineptitude either. But dweeb just sounds a little too harsh to me. I like dork better. :) I don't know what I am...I don't know that I fit on the map. I can be a bit obsessive at times, and certainly can be a bit socially embarrassing, but not so intelligent necessarily. Apparently I'm an outcast. :) Haha! Justin was very interested in the Surgical museum. We may be stopping there if we ever go to Chicago! And I will most DEFINITELY be trying the pizza. Mmmmmm....