Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Just thought I would post a picture of this cute baby, since he has gotten so big and since I haven't been in much of a blogging mood lately (if there is such a thing). Plus, the kid's parents blog even less frequently than me if you can believe it, so the forums in which he can be shown off are limited.

You might not think it's possible, but he's even cuter in person : )

Oh, yeah, and things with me are ok. I'm just being lazy. One of these days I will get around to writing a "real" post, I promise. In the meantime, Evan will have to do : )


Heidi and Jeff said...

yeah! I love it! you are enabling me to continue to not blog. Mom will be so upset. mwahahahahaha!
hope the interview went well.

Elise said...

Look at that sweet face! What a cutie! I'm glad you showed him off!