Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crisis (Narrowly) Averted

As you may have noticed, the days are getting longer. (The hours of sunlight actually. Again, there are always 24 hours in a day.) This means that it gets dark later. Where I am it doesn't get dark until about 6:15, which I LOVE!!!! And even better, the hours of sunlight in the day increase every day and will keep doing so until about June 20th when we will get a full 12 hours of beautiful beautiful sunlight. That gives me something to look forward to every day till June! (I know, I'm simple that way)
So you can imagine that I was upset when I heard about the Chilean earthquake knocking the whole earth off its axis and thus decreasing the hours of direct sunlight it receives. (And just to be clear, this wasn't the most upsetting thing to me about the earthquake. I'm not that shallow. I was also really concerned about the increase in the cost of Chilean produce we are bound to see. Kidding!) Anyway, for somebody who is as excited about sunlight as I am this was bad, bad news. However, the sunlight crisis of 2010 has been narrowly averted. How narrowly, you might ask? By approximately 1 millisecond. That is how much less daylight we will see because of the shift in the axis. Impressive to a scientist, to be sure, but I think its something I can live with. 8 milliseconds is a dealbreaker though, so lets cool it with the earthquakes for awhile, eh mother nature?

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