Thursday, February 18, 2010

Not Forgotten

Just wanted to say that I have not forgotten about your very interesting questions and I do plan on answering them. Soon. I just have been a little busier than I was expecting lately. So, be patient. In the meantime, tell me your favorite word (or words). For some reason I have been thinking about mine lately and one of them is penguin. I also like it in Spanish: pinguino (pin-gwee-no). Maybe more in Spanish, hard to say. Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for continuing to read : )


Bryce and Lacey said...

Eclectic is probably one of my favorite words.....I don't know just sounds I think I sound cool when I say it....haha

Elise said...

Ooh, I like the pinguino one better! Haha! I really like the word shoes for some reason. I don't really know why. It's just so smooth if you say it slow. ssshhhoooooooeessss. The words mellow and aghast really are amazing to me. It's like just saying the word mellow makes me calm and relaxed and want to sleep. The same thing with aghast. I can't say that word without feeling surprise and alarm in my stomach. Amazing things these little words! That's all I can think of but now that you've got me thinking about it I'm sure I'll hear more that I love.

Heidi and Jeff said...

well, I can't think of my favorite word but I can think of my unfavorite word, lover. Just hearing it makes me think of slimy, greasy guy in too tight cordoroy or velcro pants.