Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Friend You!

So anybody who knows me will probably have figured out by now that I am not a fan of Facebook. There are many reasons for this and I won't go into detail because that would be a really really long post and I have too much homework to get involved in that today. However, while taking a sanity break from said homework today I stumbled across this hilarious article that I would now like to share with you. Now, before you read it please note a few things.
1) It is satire, so take it with a grain of salt.
2) If you have a Facebook and love it then good for you. Much as I like to complain about Facebook I really don't care if you have one or not. If you are living a happy productive life in which Facebook plays a part then good for you. I am happy for you. Its just not something that I want in my life.
3) Dork alert: When I was younger I used to stay up and watch Star Trek: Next Generation (and Heidi, don't even pretend that you didn't do the same) during the summer. This had very little to do with the entertainment value of the show and more to do with the fact that it came on late and it was an excuse not to go to bed (Really, I'm not lying. I don't speak Klingon or anything. Though unfortunately I know what that is...) So of course I watched it. Anyway, there is an episode in which everybody is getting these headset things that go over your eyes and it creates some sort of a fantasy world or its a game or something. But it turns out it actually starts to take over your mind and you completely lose touch with reality. However since everybody is wearing them there are only like two people in the whole show who are still sane and they have to figure out a way to save everybody and avoid their attempts to get them to wear the headsets. This is sometimes how I feel about Facebook. It's not really my personal quest to save people from social networking sites, (lets face it, some people don't want to be saved. It really makes their day when they recieve flair or change their status.) I just sometimes feel like I might be one of the last sane people on the planet and as those numbers dwindle I wonder if maybe I am the insane one and everybody else knows something that I don't. But then I take solace in the fact that crazy people don't think they're crazy so I must be sane, right?
So that pretty much sums up my thoughts and I will now post the link to the article.

And if you love Facebook and hate me for posting such an article then look on the bright side. At least you won't have to go to all the trouble of removing me from your "Friends" page:)

Also, I am pretty ambivalent about Crocs footwear (I used to own a pair and I think they are pretty comfy, if not highly fashionable) but the same guy writes a hilarious article about them if you are passionately against them. The responses he got to that article were insane and funny and I imagine he will get the same responses to this one. I look forward to reading them.
Status: Lindsey is getting back to her homework now.


Anonymous said...

I loved this article and I don't even have a Facebook page! I especially liked the term "imaginary playgroup" and thoughts about what other things we could do with our time. I could go on and on about the pressures from those who have Facebook on those of us who "don't play"!

Elise said...

That was hilarious! As was your hymn post. I think that it is going to have the opposite effect for me when it comes to the "deer" sheep of the fold. The thought makes me quite happy and I am going to find that song so entertaining!