Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mmmm Tasty

So I have always known that college students don't really have the best diets. They don't talk about the "freshman 15" (or 20 as the case may be) for nothing. But there is one thing I was surprised to see a college student eating on his way to class one morning: Ramen noodles. I know what you're thinking. Um Linds, do you really go to college? Does the reason you don't have a degree yet have anything to do with your inability to see the obvious? (Well, actually, I do have a problem with seeing the obvious but that is beside the point.) No, Ramen noodles are not an unusual site on college campuses (I very nearly tried to pluralize that as campusii... there's another sign I've been here too long). No, I even enjoy the occasional Ramen noodles myself. I just like to COOK mine before eating them!!!! (At least in public). So I had to do a double take when I passed a kid who was eating a package of ramen noodles straight from the bag on his way to class. It was the funniest thing I have seen all week and I find humor in everything! Had I been thinking clearly I would have asked him if he needed a can opener for the cold spaghettios he probably had in his backpack. That's ok, I don't eat death in a can myself, especially not cold, (sorry if you actually like spaghettios) so I wouldn't have had a can opener anyway.
Anyway, it was the most random and surprising discovery I have made in awhile because I honestly had no idea people still ate raw ramen noodles after puberty, and had certainly never seen it done in public. To each his own I guess. Bon appetite!

1 comment:

the Flammers said...

You crack me up Linds. I just wanted to let you know we see that all over the place here and it's actually pretty tasty!! We have a very similar kind of noodles and the kids at school eat it raw. At first we didn't like it, but now if we're hungry it's a good snack. Kinda weird huh? :D